Yuni Herdy Yanti

Yuni Herdy Yanti, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog is an Adult Clinical Psychologist graduated from UNIKA Atma Jaya Jakarta. Yuni has expertise in handling issues that occur in early adults, such as romantic relationships, marriage preparation, early marriage, career, employment, self-development, family, social relationships, and personality disorders. The variety of clients and problems encountered have led Yuni to believe that each client has the strength to solve problems and recover from crises. One of Yuni’s commitments is to try to help clients realize this strength by being a good listener and not judging any situation the client is facing. In doing so, clients can have a safe space to be themselves, open up, and ultimately process together to find solutions to problems and grow towards a better direction.

Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia

Masters degree, Clinical Psychology
Aug 2019 – Jun 2022

Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia

Bachelors Degree, Psychology
2011 – 2015

Work Experience
Clinical Psychologist

Company Name : Psychologist Consultant Platform
Dates Employed : Jan 2023 – Saat ini 

Clinical Psychologist

Company Name : Spring Health
Dates Employed : Jan 2023 – Saat ini

Career Coach

Company Name : RevoU
Dates Employed : Jan 2022 – Saat ini

Clinical Psychologist

Company Name : Self-employed
Dates Employed : Jan 2023 – Saat ini


Company Name : RSJ Dr Radjiman Wedodiningrat Lawang
Dates Employed : Jun 2021  – Jun 2021


Company Name : Polda Metro Jaya
Dates Employed : Mar 2021 – May 2021


Company Name : Fakultas Psikologi UNIKA Atma Jaya
Dates Employed : Des 2020 – Mar 2021

Human Resources Manager

Company Name : Orang Tua Group
Dates Employed : Apr 2018 – Jan 2020

Recruitment Supervisor

Company Name : Orang Tua Group
Dates Employed : Sep 2016 – Apr 2017

Recruitment Staff

Company Name : Orang Tua Group
Dates Employed : Jan 2016 – Sep 2016 

Recruitment Staff

Company Name : Kompas Gramedia
Dates Employed : Aug 2014 – Oct 2014


Company Name : Yayasan Putera Bahagia
Dates Employed : Sep 2012 – Sep 2013

Licenses & certifications
SSP (Sertifikat Sebutan Psikolog)

Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI)
Diterbitkan Nov 2022
ID Kredensial 20220772-2022-0152

SIPP (Surat Izin Praktik Psikologi)

Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI)
Diterbitkan Nov 2022
ID Kredensial 20220772-2022-01-0194

Career Coaching
Psychological Assessment
Psychoterapy in Cognitive Behavioral and Humanistic Approach
Communication Skill

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Rp 300K

BASIC 60 menit konseling individu melalui video/ voice call

Rp 450K

STANDARD 60 menit konseling pasangan melalui video/ voice call

Rp 500K

PREMIUM 60 menit konseling individu tatap muka
Workload Konseling mendalam selama 60 menit dengan menguraikan masalah yang dialami klien, memberikan perspektif baru, psikoedukasi serta menstimulus klien untuk menemukan jalan keluar bagi permasalahannya dalam setting online (menggunakan GoogleMeet atau WhatsApp) Konseling mendalam selama 60 menit dengan menguraikan masalah yang dialami pasangan dalam hubungan, memberikan perspektif baru, psikoedukasi serta menstimulus pasangan untuk menemukan jalan keluar bagi permasalahan mereka dalam setting online (menggunakan GoogleMeet atau WhatsApp) Konseling mendalam selama 60 menit dengan menguraikan masalah yang dialami klien, memberikan perspektif baru, psikoedukasi serta menstimulus klien untuk menemukan jalan keluar bagi permasalahannya dalam setting tatap muka yang akan dilakukan di area Jakarta Utara
Menemukan akar dari permasalahan yang dialami, perspektif baru, saran, dan penanganan lebih lanjut, serta diagnosa jika ada. Menemukan akar dari permasalahan yang dialami, perspektif baru, saran, dan penanganan lebih lanjut. Menemukan akar dari permasalahan yang dialami, perspektif baru, saran, dan penanganan lebih lanjut, serta diagnosa jika ada.
Delivery Time 1 day 1 day 1 day

Rp 300.000

Rp 450.000

Rp 500.000

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