Ryelo Havifuddin Ashari

Ryelo is currently doing his MBA (Master Business Administration) in School Business Management at Bandung Institute of Technology and he will be finished his postgraduate study in February 2021. His previous work was in the E-commerce Industry and Container Terminal. He is interested in financial literacy, especially personal finance. He get certification from QWP (Qualified Wealth Planner).

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Master of Business Administration – MBA
Field of Study : Marketing
Grade : 3.64
Dates Attended or Expected Graduation : 2019 – 2021

Brawijaya University

Bachelor of Business Administration – BBA
Field of Study : International Business
Grade : 3.41
Dates Attended or Expected Graduation : 2013 – 2017

Work Experience
Innovation & Business Development

Company Name : TICMI
Dates Employed : May 2022 – now


Company Name : Akeoma Group
Dates Employed : Jan 2017 – now

Head of Sales OfflineHead of Sales Offline

Company Name : Fatih Indonesia
Dates Employed : Mar 2022 – Apr 2022

Business Development Internship - Digital Goods

Company Name : Fatih Indonesia
Dates Employed : Oct 2021 –  Mar 2022

Business Development Internship - Digital Goods

Company Name : Tokopedia
Dates Employed : Oct 2018 – Jan 2019

Business Development Internship

Company Name : PT Jakarta International Container Terminal
Dates Employed : Jul 2016 – Sep 2016

Licenses & certifications
SSP (Sertifikat Sebutan Psikolog)

Issuing authority : OneShildt Financial Planning
Issued date and, if applicable, expiration date of the certification or license
Issued : Aug 2020. No Expiration Date
Credential Identifier : Credential ID 2020/08/59

Business Development
Critical Thinking
Digital Marketing
Financial Planning
Social Media
Wealth Planner
Available Schedule
No. Day Time Note
Senin - Jumat
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
09.00 - 15.00 WIB
15.00 - 21.00 WIB

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Rp 150K Rp 100K

BASIC 60 menit konsultasi melalui video-call

Rp 350K Rp 300K

STANDARD 2x pertemuan (90 menit/pertemuan) konsultasi melalui video-call

Rp 600K Rp 500K

PREMIUM 2x pertemuan (120 menit/pertemuan) konsultasi melalui video-call
Workload Mendengarkan masalah, menjelaskan dasar financial planning Mendengarkan masalah, memahami dasar financial planning dan tujuan keuangan, Financial check (surplus/defisit), Fact Finding Client, Merumuskan realisasi tujuan keuangan (ex: 2 tahun lagi saya ingin menikah) Mendengarkan masalah, memahami dasar financial planning dan tujuan keuangan, Financial check (surplus/defisit), Fact Finding Client, Merumuskan realisasi tujuan keuangan (ex: 2 tahun lagi saya ingin menikah)
Menjelaskan pondasi financial planning dan post keuangan (hutang, pengeluaran pokok, investasi/sedekah, pengeluaran tersier) dalam bentuk lisan Tujuan keuangan, Fact Finding Client, Financial check (surplus/defisit), Risk Profile, 1 realisasi tujuan keuangan Tujuan keuangan, Fact Finding Client, Financial check (surplus/defisit), Risk Profile, 1 realisasi tujuan keuangan
Delivery Time - - -

Rp 150.000 Rp 100.000

Rp 350.000 Rp 300.000

Rp 600.000 Rp 500.000

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