puteri qohimah

Puteri Qohimah

I am an educational psychologist, counselor, and assessor, with several years of experience in applied psychology, particularly in educational psychology (well-being, mindfulness, and resilience). I have been handling and supporting individuals or groups issues such as burnout, overthinking, and other issues related to relationships/families, education, and the workplace through counseling, psychotherapy (CBT, CT, CB), psychoeducation, coaching, and wellness program. I am also focused on the personality growth, people development, and wellness program. For several years I have been running numerous sessions (sharing session, webinar) for groups, organizations, companies (employee assistance programs, people development.), schools, and the community about improving soft skills, well-being, and psychological assessment.

Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)

Postgraduate Degree, Eduactional Psychology
Sep 2016 – Nov 2020

Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)

Bachelor’s degree, Psychology
Aug 2011 – Aug 2015

Work Experience

Company Name : TOUCHÉ Development Center
Dates Employed : Jun 2021 – Saat ini 

Licensed Professional Counselor

Company Name : Remedi Indonesia
Dates Employed : Feb 2021 – Saat ini
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Licenses & certifications
SSP (Sertifikat Sebutan Psikolog)

Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI)
Diterbitkan Des 2020
ID Kredensial 0556-SSP-2020

SIPP (Surat Izin Praktik Psikologi)

Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI)
Diterbitkan Nov 2023
ID Kredensial 3014-SIPP-2023

Child Developmental
Parenting Counselor

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Rp 200K

BASIC 1x 60 menit konsultasi melalui video-call

Rp 250K

STANDARD 2x 90 menit/pertemuan konsultasi melalui video-call

Rp 400K

PREMIUM 2x 120 menit/pertemuan konsultasi melalui video-call
Workload Mendengarkan masalah Mendengarkan masalah Mendengarkan masalah
Peningkatan kesejahteraan emosional Peningkatan kesejahteraan emosional Peningkatan kesejahteraan emosional
Delivery Time Konseling individu, evaluasi psikologis, penyusunan program intervensi, dan kolaborasi Konseling individu, evaluasi psikologis, penyusunan program intervensi, dan kolaborasi Konseling individu, evaluasi psikologis, penyusunan program intervensi, dan kolaborasi

Rp 200.000

Rp 250.000

Rp 400.000

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