
Josephine Angelina Christyanti

A fast-learner who is extremely passionate to deepen my understanding towards human capital and psychology. I have always been a problem solver and a critical thinker. Also detail-oriented, driven to succeed, I definitely do well under pressure. Beside my role as a talent acquisition specialist, I am also very active on social media platroms, especially Instagram and Tiktok, in which I share a lot about career development themed digital contents. I am always open to all kinds of opportunities, as I aspire to constantly learn, create, and challenge myself especially in my preferred fields of study, human capital management.

Universitas Sebelas Maret

Degree Name : S1 Psikologi Universitas Sebelas Maret
Field of Study : Psikologi ; Grade : 3,93
Aktivitas dan lembaga sosial:

  • Himpunan Mahasiswa Psikologi (Student Body)
  • Ikatan Mahasiswa Psikologi Indonesia
  • International Undergraduate Internship Program (IUIP) 2019
  • General Secretary of Solo Medical Cup (National Sports Event Held by Faculty of Medicine) 2018 in Surakarta
  • General Secretary (National Exam Tryout Event Held by Faculty of Medicine) 2017 in Surakarta
Universitas Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)

Summer Exchange, Psychology and Counseling

Kolese Gonzaga

Natural Sciences, Summa Cumlaude

Work Experience
Talent Acquisition Specialist

Company Name : Bukalapak
Dates Employed : 2021 – now

  • Conducted end-to-end recruitment cycle for interns, contract-based, and full-time employees, specifically in the O2O, Finance, and Internal Audit department.
  • Responsible for hiring 12 roles, such as: Business Analyst, Business Development, IT Internal Audit Specialist, SAAS Growth Specialist, Campaign Specialist, and Sales Performance Analyst.
  • Coordinated with key stakeholders regarding the hiring process.
VP of Human Resources

Company Name : Evaluatte.
Dates Employed : Jun 2021 – now

Chief Operating Officer

Company Name : Evaluatte.

A career consulting start up that focuses on human capital and recruiting. All of our consultants are experienced recruiter who came from many top companies with various industrial backgrounds.

Our vision is to help jobseekers by educating them about recruitment processes and their career and/or personal development branding. We offer services such as CV consultation and interview preparations

Dates Employed : Mar 2021 – Now

  • Lead five operational teams that consist of social media, community development, sales, graphic design, and creative associate team.
  • Created milestones, key action plans, and evaluation points for each teams.
Talent Acquisition Consultant

Company Name : Evaluatte.
Dates Employed : Mar 2021 – now


Company Name : Shopee . Internship
Dates Employed : February – May 2021
Employment Duration : 4 mos

  • Sourced and pipelined candidates application (resume) for Merchant Acquisition recruitment process for ShopeePay.
  • Interviewed 10-15 potential candidates (preliminary phone call stage) per day for FnB Sales Executive recruitment for ShopeePay.

Company Name : Ruangguru – Internship
Dates Employed : November 2020 – March 2021
Employment Duration : 5 mos

  • Conducted end-to-end recruitment process, including resume screening, talent sourcing, candidates background/ reference check, and interviews.
  • Organized and managed talent database, including daily progress report.
  • Recruited approximately 78 candidates (mass hiring) for STAR (Sales Trainee Academy by Ruangguru) and Roboguru program in less than 4 months.
  • Conducted 10-15 HR interviews per day.
  • In charge of responding to potential candidates’ inquiries pertaining to the hiring program via e-mail and Whatsapp.
Psychology Intervention Trainer

Company Name : Universitas Sebelas Maret . Freelance
Dates Employed : November – December 2020
Employment Duration : 2 mos

  • Trained student interns at Kastrat de Geneeskunde for topics pertaining to psychological intervention programs and intervention designs.
  • Responsible for reviewing and giving constructive feedbacks to psychological intervention scientific papers submitted by the student interns.
Assitant Researcher

Company Name : Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) . Internship
Dates Employed : November 2019 – December 2019
Employment Duration : 2 mos

  • Studied factor analysis statistics and assisted my lecturer to culturally adapt psychological scales.
  • Performed back-to-back translating psychological scales for research purposes.
  • Participated in a training about how to communicate with students with special needs.
Assistant Lecturer

Company Name : Universitas Sebelas Maret
Dates Employed : August 2019 – December 2019
Employment Duration : 5 mos

  • Assisted in teaching psychodiagnostics instruments (WAIS, HTP, Wartegg, EPPS, Papi Kostick, etc).
  • Reviewed and graded tests and papers submitted by students.
  • Responsible for a bi-weekly class progress report to the lecturer.
Assistant Psychologist . Intern

dr. Radhiman Wediodiningrat Lawang Mental Institution . Internship
Dates Employed : July 2019 – August 2019
Employment Duration : 2 mos

  • Conducted clinical interviews and observations related to patient’s diagnosis.
  • Responsible for administrating and scoring psychological tests for students as a part of the local school psychological test services.
Human Resources Intern

Company Name : Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia 
Dates Employed : January 2019 – February 2019
Employment Duration : 2 mos

  • Responsible for personnel recruitment process, especially in written test and behavioral interviews.
  • In charge of organizing and managing personnel database, including daily progress report.
  • Administered psychological tests (Wartegg, HTP, BDI, EPPS, etc) relating to personnel recruitment and management.
  • Conducted clinical counseling for inmates residing in Bareskrim Polda Metro.
Human Capital
Counseling Psychology
Screening Resumes
Available Schedule
No. Day Time
19.00 - 20.00 WIB
19.00 - 20.00 WIB
19.00 - 21.00 WIB

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BASIC 10 menit konsultasi melalui video-call

Rp 180K

STANDARD 1x pertemuan (60 menit/pertemuan) konsultasi melalui video-call

Rp 350K

PREMIUM 2x pertemuan (60 menit/pertemuan) konsultasi melalui video-call
Workload Mendengarkan masalah, menjelaskan dasar personal branding dan career plan Mendengarkan masalah, memahami dasar personal career branding, CV/ resume review, LinkedIn optimization, dan merumuskan career planning Mendengarkan masalah, memahami dasar personal career branding, CV/ resume review, LinkedIn optimization, merumuskan career planning, dan job interview preparation
Menjelaskan pondasi personal career branding dalam bentuk lisan Revised CV, optimized LinkedIn profile, dan personal career development plan Revised CV, optimized LinkedIn profile, personal career development plan, dan job interview exercise
Delivery Time 0 days 0 days 0 days

Rp 0

Rp 180.000

Rp 350.000

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